I had the opportunity to go shopping at Walmart for the
Bag It Forward Campaign. I have found when shopping at Walmart there prices are very affordable. It seems to have the best prices in town when it comes to quality school supplies. I love that Walmart will post Low Prices on there displays, that's so helpful to me and I feel good about shopping at Walmart because I know I'm saving and getting the best prices. As you know Back to School is approaching us very quickly and we have to make sure we are able to afford our children's school supplies. Bag It Forward is a great campaign because you are helping someone in need with your donation of school supplies. These are tough times for many so having a little extra is very helpful to many.

When you are at Walmart you can look for the
1st Day App display or on the back of the Elmer's Glue bottle. You can download the app right to your phone or ITouch right there in the store. The 1st Day App will help drive donations to Kids in Need Foundation. Every time you download a picture to the App you are helping someone in need.
Elmer's on Facebook
Walmart carries many Elmer's Glue products for your child's classroom and for the teacher's to have what they need in the classroom. Elmer's Glue is a high quality product and it is the best glue out there to hold your child's crafts,papers.etc together.
Elmer's on Twitter
This is our donation to our church's school drive. Our church collects items for children in our community that aren't able to purchase their school supplies. I have added some food in the mix because there are many children and there families that go hungry daily. If we all put in our part we changed this world for the hungry.
Our donation of Elmer's glue products along with paper,pens,pencils,calculators, erasers and folders.
I'm thankful that we are able to homeschool our children. This is our schoolroom where I laid out all of the items that I'm donating to Our Church for their Local Back To School Supplies Drive. As you can see someone is going to be very Blessed. I know our church goes to the inner city in August and hands out School Supplies to the less fortunate. I'm proud to be part of the
Bag It Forward and the Back to School Drive at our church.

This is the church where we brought our donation.
DMan and Ducky bringing our Back to School donation into the church.
D Man putting our school supplies in the donation box at church.
Ducky putting in our donation for the church.
DMan and Ducky in front of the donation box at church.
I know that all of these school supplies are going to be very helpful for the kids in the inner city. What I noticed was we have a very giving church. There were many other school supplies in box. It always feels great to give to a great cause.
We also donated some of Walmart's quality school supplies to a Mother of 10 children that is struggling financially. We feel honored to give to this family. We purchased 10 folders for each of her children and 10 boxes of mac n cheese for each of her children along with many other items. The children were so excited to get all of these school supplies, they love to craft like my Ducky!! I had Ducky give 3 of children the school supplies.
The mother later called me and told me how thankful she was for our donation.
They were so excited, they immediately were looking in the bag.
Please join in the Bag It Forward movement, you will feel so good giving:) Please spread the word to your friends and family about Bag It Forward.
Our Google Plus Story for Elmer's Bag It Forward
I am a member of the Collective Bias Social Fabric Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for
Collective Bias and Elmer's.
#BagItFoward #CBias. All opinions are my own.