Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Our Home School Year-2010-2011

We always start our day with the Bible. These two are my favorites. We read from them daily. We also have a take home sheet from church that we review weekly.

Ducky is using Primer (1st Book)for her Math  and D Man is on Alpha (3rd book)                    

Ducky is using the Kindergarten book and D Man is using Cursive Success.

D Man has been Exploring Creation through plants, we have fully enjoyed this study. We are on Lesson 7. When we are done we will doing :
I love the total immersion approach, we do notebooking with this subject. Check out what we have done so far on my blog under Science.

History, we are doing as a co-op, we just started this co-op so I will have alot more posts on this subject.
This subject is very interesting how many things are truly a Mystery.

Ducky is learning to read this year, I used this with D Man and he reads really well. Ducky is doing good to. When Ducky is done with this book we have Abeka reader that we will be doing.

We started Geo over a year ago and we used Galloping the Globe as our scope and but our own twist on it.  We have studied Africa,Europe,Asia, Australia, South America and we are now on Mexico and them Canada, then on to the US. It has been an exciting journey with one other family. Check out my blog under Geography.

We love Draw write Now, we use this we our co-op's and for extra writing.

We will using this for our Art.

Even though we have all this cirrculum let us not forget the focus of our home schooling, GOD first!!!!!!

Have a blessed year!!!!!


  1. Those Bibles look like good ones! Thanks for sharing your curriculum!

  2. I have been tossing around the idea of getting that science. Glad to see someone that uses it and enjoys it. Also, thanks for following my blog :)

  3. I have not see that Galloping the Globe...hmmm...I think I will check into that for my wee ones.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am a follower of yours now...=).
    Have a great week!

  4. Wishing you a great year! Looks like you are all set :)

  5. It takes a special person to home school, I am proud if you and all of the other home school parents out there.
    Following from Friday Blog Hop

  6. It looks like you have a great curriculum in place. It's so heartwarming to see your children eagerly working. Have a great year~ Your newest Follower from the Hop!
