Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Creation-Lesson 1-5000BC

Genesis 1
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

D Man Creation Sheet ( 7 yrs old)
Ducky Creation Sheet (5 yrs old)
What I think about Creation is that it is truly a mystery. There are some things that God doesn't want us to know. That is the Mystery of Hystery.

Check out some of these resources available on the web:

I know there are alot more but these are some that we used.


  1. I'm stopping by from the Friday Blog Hop. Our first lesson is going to be over the creation too. I can't wait to do all of the activities I have planned for my little monkey.

  2. I love the creation projects your kids did... i did something like this when teaching an afterschool program... i love how they can tell the same story so uniquely and every project is different!

  3. Thanks for following my blog. I'm now following yours. By the way, I love the song by Toby Mac that is on your blog. Toby Mac is coming to my town in October. I so want to go!

  4. Love this!!! We are starting Creation next week so I'm definitely copying these ideas. Thanks for popping by my blog today.
