Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hermie and Friends "Who's in Charge Anyways?"

Thank you Thomas Nelson for letting us review this DVD.

Max Lucado'sHermie and Friends
Who's in Charge Anyways?"
Featuring the voice talents of:
Tim Conway and Sam Mercurio

ISBN: 23755 41419
running time: 60 minutes

"It's All about Growing up with God"

This video by Max Lucado is a brightly colorful video, that will catch any child's eye.
Freddie the flea over hears Hailey and Bailey asking there the mother what so special about a flea, so Freddie the flea goes to God and asks what's so special about him. God explains how we are all special and God cares even about a little flea. 
We are all made for a purpose and that all of Freddie's friends had to learn important lessons before they could put there talents to use. 
Freddie realized that God is at work always in us and we need to use our gifts.

There are a few things I know our children can learn from this movie:

1. That God cares for everyone.

2. God has given us a special talent. we need to use it.

3. To be servants to others, because this is what matters to God. 

4. To know who's in charge of our life, it's not us but God.

Our children(7 and 5 yrs old) watched this movie several times and learned that they are special and loved dearly by God. 
I believe that we need to instill the love for God on a daily basis and they need to know how God cares for them and will always be there for them.  This is a why I picked this video, to learn more about God and who he is and learn to trust him.

So if your looking for a wholesome video for your children, this would be a great pick. All contents will honor God and your children will be learning about who God is at the same time.

Psalm 90:16
" Show your servants the wonderful things you do: show your greatness to their children.

Have a blessed day.


  1. This looks so cute! I bet my son would love this one!

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  2. i love these books!!! I am a new follower!!!

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  4. We just watched this movie last week. We love Hermie!

    Visiting you from the Friday Blog hop!

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment! I'm following you back. You have a great blog too!
