Monday, July 12, 2010

Bible Study for Kids-Service

This month we are learning about Service
Service is lending a hand to help someone else.

Bible Story: Luke 10:30-37

Day 1
Read Romans 15:7
Discuss how we should love all people no matter what. God doesn't plat favorites.

Day 2
Read Philippians 2:4
Discuss how God wants to pay attention to the needs of others.

Day 3
Read Hebrews 13:16
Discuss how a caring servant finds out what people need.

Day 4
Read 2 Corinthians 9:8
When you a good work, God will provide the resources you need.
Be the servant that God emans you to be and trust him to give you all you need.

Have a blessed week


  1. Valuable truths for us adults too! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Yes, for us too. We need to be good givers of our time,talents,etc. Your welcome.
