Saturday, August 18, 2012

History Late 1800's to Early 1900's

We took a tour at our local Late 1800's and Early 1900's Village. Our children thought that the school room was so cool. They have never been in a school before. They really did live a very different live then we do today. It makes me want to live in those days for the simplicity. 

D Man in the school room, so excited!!!

This desk was the only desk that survived a Hurricane in a storm.

D Man and his friends sitting in the pew that the old church. 

This is an item you won't see often these days,maybe in some churches.  An organ.

"The Marriage Creed"

Could you imagine getting up in the morning and having to pump all of your water for showers,dishes,etc. I'm thankful for our water:)

Ducky pumping the water for the day:)

The Church, the only thing is they didn't have a steeple on the top of the church. 

There were many other things we saw that day that were amazing. We had a great time going back into time!!!


  1. Great photos! Must have been such an interesting tour!

  2. That looks a neat place to visit! Cute pics too

  3. Looks like a wonderful visit, and your kids look like they had a wonderful time learning!

  4. Looks like you guys enjoyed yourselves! Love the Marriage Creed.

  5. That looks like such a great place to visit!

  6. Love old things and especially old antique desks. That building is just gorgeous.

  7. Sounds like an awesome time, and a fun experience!

  8. That looks like a place I would love to visit.
