Friday, June 1, 2012

Mini Vacation

This past weekend to went to Orlando Science Center with some of our friends.They had a new exhibit called Play. They had these big pool balls that when you moved them there was music being played from them. 

Our children had the opportunity to Play a real backgammon game. 

Ducky is a Dear with my husband in the back round. 

D Man and his buddy with a piece of coral that was at the Science Center. It wasn't alive.

Cute picture of all of our children. 
Nicole's children from Mamato4Blessings and our children. 

D Man helping out with the younger children.

Say Cheese!!!

D Man helping out with the younger again:)

Another weekend of GREAT fun!!!

How do you spend your weekends?


  1. Looks like fun! Unfortunately I work most weekends, but we take every opportunity to get outdoors with the kids.

  2. We do most of our fun stuff during the week (library, play dates, all that jazz). We spend weekends with family and at church. :)

  3. The oversize games look fun! :D

  4. Looks like you guys had a great weekend! FUN!

  5. That looks like an exciting museum and what a wonderful day for your kids!

  6. WE had a great time :) Can't wait to go with you guys again next month. Love you guys! XXOXO

  7. That looks like so much fun :O)

  8. Wow this looked like a great day! I miss Orlando soooo much!
