Sunday, June 10, 2012

Key Chain Nation

This is Key Chain Nation.
D Man and Ducky came up with idea themselves and named there business. 
They draw the countries flags on paper and then laminate them and then attach a paper clip to the end. They are raising money for Hugs and Kisses which an organization that helps cancer patients with expenses. 

Once they raise money then they will donate the money to the organization. 

Columbian Flag, in honor of DMan's coach. 

American representing our country!!! Proud. 

Mali's Africa Flag

How do you help out in your community?


  1. So cute! I love it when kids do things to help others :)

  2. Your kids are always so creative! very cute idea- this would be perfect for our Geography lessons- and we could link them together!! Thanks!!

  3. What a cute idea :O) I volunteer in schools.

  4. This would make a great addition to a lesson plan, thanks for the idea! We help with school fundraisers.

  5. That is TOO cute! How sweet of them for wanting to help others.

    Beautifully BellaFaith

  6. How precious! It's so nice to see children being so willing to give and volunteer.
