Sunday, April 29, 2012

Champion for Kids Odwalla Campaign #OdwallaCFK #CBias

We are so thankful to have had this opportunity to serve in our community. Thank you Holly for taking us around to tour the house and shelter. 
Our Simple Service Project was to deliver sports equipment to

A Faith-Based State-Licensed Child Welfare Organization. 

As I took a picture of this sign that read HOPE I thought and got to see that HOPE that is delivered everyday to children that are hurting in many ways. The welfare organization we picked helps children to feel loved,natured,to give hope and care. Our children loved giving the children the sports equipment that they picked out because they understand how blessed we really are.

You can see our Google Plus Story of our shopping experience. 

The heart of a Christian is to serve,serve,serve!!!

These are all of our children that were there and there donations to 

A Faith-Based State-Licensed Child Welfare Organization

for our SIMPLE Service Project.
Thank you to each and everyone of you that helped make this possible. You made a Child's day with your donation. 

As you can see we got a many different items to give for our Game Day Challenge.
Basketball,Soccer Ball,Football,Tennis Balls,Skateboard,Tennis Racket,Bubble Wand,Bike Helmets. 
All I can say is that I'm very thankful for the hearts of our friend's.

D Man handing over the Tennis Racket to one of the children from the Hope House. 

As you will see there are all ages in these homes. 

Our friend's child handing over this donation to another boy that lives in the shelter that this organization. 

This was so cute, This boy below loved this skateboard and he wanted to go play. We know that all of our donations will go to a good use. I'm so proud of our students and moms:)

What was nice about this SIMPLE Service Project was that we got to tour the house were these children live. This was great for the children and moms because we got to see how these children get to live. In this home there were 6-8 boys in this house and the house parents. These children are less fortunate than our children but going into this home helped us all to realize how much love and HOPE is being poured out to each and every one of them. I'm very Thankful for this organization. 
Below are some of the boys checking out two of the boys room. 

They try to make this like home so they have a lot of the same stuff you probably have in your home. 
Below is the house that 6-8 boys live in.  Now we are heading to the Shelter. 

Our Boys heading over to the Shelter. The Shelter is a ALL Boys Shelter that houses 6-10 boys. Most of these boys are coming from rough situations. But there is a HOPE in this shelter. Thank God!!!!

It was nice for the boys and girls to see the shelter, it helped them to get a better understanding of what goes on at this shelter. 

Isaiah 1:17

Learn to do right; seek justice. 
    Defend the oppressed.[a] 
Take up the cause of the fatherless; 
    plead the case of the widow.

Well after all that walking around for the Simple Service Project they were hot and thirsty. 
After dropping over our sports equipment and having our tour we headed to the park for some Odwalla Juice. I purchased 3 favors to try:

Mango Protein
Mixed Berry Shuffle Smoothie Refresher
Citrus C

The children like All of them.

So I took a survey for which one they loved and they loved the 

Mixed Berry Shuffle Smoothie Refresher

But there wasn't one they didn't like. As a matter of fact that wanted more of the 

    • #OdwallaCFK.

Even the Moms loved Odwalla Juices. 

Yummy in our tummies:)

Well a day of serving and giving and living. Isn't it our duty to take care of the younger if we are older. Isn't it our job to help the hurting. Well that's what we did with this Simple Service Project. We had a great time and we learned alot along the way. 

It's more of a Blessing to give than to receive!!! That's what I HOPE that all of you got from this day. Thank you again to ALL my friends and there children. Thank you also to Holly at the 

A Faith-Based State-Licensed Child Welfare Organization.

From our home to yours: Blessings!!!

Here we All are Serving out in our community. 
Champion For Kids

Please follow Champion for Kids on:

  • “I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™. #CBias #SocialFabric
  • All Opinions are my own:)


  1. Thank you for such an awesome experience April. It was an eye opener for me and changed my heart in so many ways. Thank you for that blessing. We love Odwalla, it was yummy! Even the baby loved it! Thank you SO much!

  2. Wow! What a great event that you put on! You were able to get a lot of items, and really make a difference. Wonderful work!

  3. Thank you Nicole and Brandi. We had so much:) It's great to be out there serving.
