Sunday, January 1, 2012

Nature Study at Local Nature Preserve

Daddy and Ducky

 DMan up in a tree. They Love climbing trees.
 Ducky in a tree to.

D Man and his friend, heading to boardwalk.

Hiking Trail

A Tree I thought was cool looking.

I wonder what kind of animal lives here.

Ducky by a tree,Beautiful.

Gulf Fritillary

We think this is a snake hole or a mole hole, it was big

Daddy and Ducky

Proverbs 8:20-21
I walk in the path of righteousness, in the pathway of justice, that I may cause those who love me to inherit wealth, and that I may fill there treasuries. 

DMan and his staff

Snapping Turtle came right up to the dock.

Ducky, DMan and Friend

My Friend and her daughter

D Man 

Relaxing in there favorite tree.

Thank you to my friend that shared this wonderful place that we have never been to but have lived so close to it. We are grateful to find new places to explore:)


  1. Yeah, another homeschool blog! I am stopping by from the Friday Blog Hop. Have a great weekend.

  2. New follower from Mama to 4 Blessing blog hop. Follow me back:

    Royalegacy Reviews and Giveaways

  3. Hi! I'm your newest follower from the Friday Blog Hop. The pictures are fantastic. They are very relaxing.
    You are more than welcome to stop by and visit me.

    Thank you, Karina
