Monday, August 22, 2011

Science Musuem

D Man loves snakes, he is helping hold the snake.

D Man and Ducky building with bolts and magnets.

He figured it out, the nail trick.

Albino Snake

went to the museum with us.
My husband dislikes snakes so this was a big move for him.

Ducky up in a  tree house play area.
She wouldn't come down, She loved it.

Ducky and her best buddy from at the museum.
Ducky loves this little girl. She mothers her, it's great. So Cute.

D Man and his buddy from
checking out something. I thought this picture was great, I wonder what they are talking about.

D Man in simulated plane.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a fun place. i can totally relate to your husband. There is no way I would have touched that snake. good for him!

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