Sunday, June 19, 2011

Jump Put Your Faith In Motion

This month are children are learning to put there faith in motion.
What does that mean to you?

If I do what's right, will things be better for me?

It's not about me. It's what God wants me to do in the world around me.

Act's 16:16-34
Paul and Silas in Jail

What are some things you can do to make a difference in this world?

1Timonthy 4:12

Day 1

Jeremiah 29:11

If there was one question you would ask God, what would it be?

Do your children has questions for God? Ask them you would be surprised what they are thinking in there heads.

Day 2

Read Ephesians 4:29

One of the biggest ways that we can impact is through our words.

We can chose our words. Talk to your children about how there words can hurt or lift others up.

Day 3

 Philippians 2:4

When we think of others before ourselves, we are putting our faith in motion.

Ask your children how will they put others before themselves this week.

Day 4

Matthew 28:19-20

When Jesus left the earth, He gave the people who were with Him some last instructions.

1. Make Disciples
2. Baptize them
3. Teach them to Obey

Show others this week by following one if these examples above.

We hope you have a BLESSED week in The Lord by yourself and with the children:)


  1. Following from the Friday hop.
    I hope you have a chance to stop by and say hi:)

  2. New follower from Fridays hop.
    Hope you follow back.

  3. Newest follower from blog hop. I love your blog. Always like reading blogs about faith & family. You can find me over at Have a great weekend!

  4. Hi,
    what an awesome post and blog! I just loved this post it spoke volumes to me and I speak of Jesus to my Kelcee all the time and have since she has been born! Thank you so much for having my button on your blog it means alot knowing so many our praying for me and my family! I am glad I happened upon your blog this morning. Im up early chemo meds not being so nice! I am a new follower!

  5. Thank you all for stopping by our blog.
    I have followed each of you back. For some reason google is acting up so I'm posting it on my site and hoping you will get it.
    Summer, You are welcome, your story has touched my heart, I have already prayed for comfort for you today.
    Blessings to all.
