Monday, June 6, 2011

Homeschool Promotion

I can't believe another year has gone by.
Every year we have a promotion with Our Home school Group.
This is a time of encouragement and to reflect over the last year.
I will print out certificates and hand them out to the children.
This year we had the children sing  praise music up on stage.
Thank you Mrs. Jacobs!!!
We always have a speaker come to give us encouragement for the upcoming year, as you will see in the pictures. Our speaker this year had carried the  Olympic torch in the 2002 Salt Lake City, All of the children got to hold the torch.

Our speaker also handed out 4 things:
Popsicle stick with the word pray- Always Pray
Gospel of John- Always read your Bible
A Medal- Never Give Up
A Tiny Starfish- One life at Time.

Our speaker is also is the founder of our local PE program for homeschoolers.
Thank you Coach Rick!!!

D Man and Ducky looking handsome and beautiful.

D Man with his certificate.

Ducky with her certificate.

Ducky touching the Olympic Torch.

Coach Rick and D Man together holding the Olympic Torch.

Coach Rick, D Man and Ducky holding the Olympic Torch.


  1. looks like yall had great fun. now following from the magnificent monday hop you can follow back at

  2. Thanks for following...following back...don't forget to come back and link up to my new hop...

  3. Congrats to the kids on their end of the year awards. Thanks for following and I am now following back.

  4. They look so proud. Thanks for the follow. I am following you back. (I also followed you on Twitter:)

    Have a blessed day!

  5. what a fun time! i absolutely love how happy everyone looks - you can tell it was a worthwhile event. thanks for sharing!

  6. sounds wonderful! congrats on your great homeschool year!

  7. What a fun celebration!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog to follow our adventures. I'm already following you :o)

    Laura O in AK
