Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Regionals-Gymnastics and Our Trip

Tallahassee, Florida
State Capital Building
This year we studying the States so it was nice seeing the capital of Florida

Our Family at Breakfast in Cracker Barrel in Tallahassee.
I forgot my purse there and had to go back, Thank God they put my purse in the safe.

Entering Alabama

USS Battleship Alabama
More pictures to come

Entering Mississippi
This was exciting because we were going to Jackson and that's another capital that we will studying.

Ducky @ a Local park in Jackson,MS

D Man playing in the pond at the park with friends.

D Man made a boat while we were at the park. Nature at it's best:)

Jackson, Mississippi
State Capital Building

D Man waiting for his turn for the meet.
We couldn't get any good pictures of the meet but Here's how he did:
4th on Rings
7th on PBars
9th on Pommel
9th All Around
1st Place Team Plague.
There were 35 boys in his age division, he did AWESOME!!!

Ducky playing with her Friends at the meet.


  1. Following from the Social Parade Follow on Friday blog hop :D


  2. Looks like a great trip. Those planes and ships are great. Thanks for the follow - now following you back
