Thursday, March 3, 2011

Apologia Press-Good Morning, God Review

Good Morning, God 
Davis Carman
Illustrated by: Alice Ratterree


Thank you to Apologia Press for letting us review Good Morning, God.

Good Morning, God is designed for ages one to eight years old.

This book is designed to help your children fall in love with Our Heavenly Father by having him on your mind from sunrise to sunset. 

Good Morning, God will encourage your children how to worship daily and enjoy the Lord all through the day.

Good Morning, God is meant to encourage your children to consider his or her relationship with Jesus and respond with childlike faith.

Good Morning, God is based on the scripture:

Deuteronomy 6:6-7

These commands that I give you today are to be upon your hearts.
Impress then on your children.
Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road,
when you lie down and when you get up.

There are three ways that this book can be used as discipleship tool:

Simply read the book as a story.
At the end of the book are questions and activities that you can do with your children.

The questions and activities are organized by the theme of each day.
( Sunday thru Saturday)

The questions are designed to get your children involve in the book.

Each day has a set of questions.

You don't have to do all the questions in one sitting.

You can also do Sunday questions on Sunday and then continue on this plan for Monday, Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday and Friday. On the second Sunday, you can read the suggested questions and activities. This plan  would make the book a mini-curriculum.

Good Morning God can be used over and over, you can never impress to much of God on your children.
Our children have loved to learn and be taught about God.
It is so important that we impress God on our children at the very early age.

Good Morning God has a been a wonderful book for our homeschool day.
Our children have already caught on so quickly to the concepts in this book.
We will contunue to read this book over and over again.
I was so excited to receive this book honored that Apolgia would let us review this wonderful book.

We currently use Exploring Creation through Botany(which we are almost done with) and then we will be doing Swimming Creatures. I'm so excited to have found such a wonderful cirrculum for our children for Science.And have fully loved it. Please check some of there other products at:


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