Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Nature Study-2/1/11

Nature Study at the Preserve.
Ducky starting a fire.

D Man started a fire.

Our Fire!!

D Man taking my picture with the binoculars.

Observing God's creation!!

Jesus is the Reason for all Seasons.

We came home from the Preserve and went to see if we had tadpoles in our lake, we didn't but we saw somethings around our neighborhood.

Ducky found a plant, she pulled it out root and all.

D Man searching for Minos.

We found a calm shell.

These are old apple snail shells, D Man said that The Lipkin was there and had a feast.

A turtle, I think he liked people because he didn't flee.

We spoke about why the water had all that green stuff.

We collected apple snail shells along our way.

Yes, we have Alligators in our Lake but they won't bother you if you don't bother them.

We had a wonderful time in God's Creation, Thank you Lord for your Creation:)


  1. What a FUN FUN day!!

    my boys were doing the Magnifying Len Fire thing once- they got a CRACKLING fire about 2-3 feet tall- and roasted marshmallows. not sure how impressed I was, esp with the stain on the sidewalk...

    (visiting from the Friday Hop
    http://kabersblog.blogspot.com/2011/02/amazeing-day.html )

  2. Great pictures - I'm following you from FBH.

    Love to you
    I've Become My Mother

  3. following you back. thanks for the follow. great pictures.

  4. Great pictures, looks like fun! Thanks for following from the Friday Blog Hop, I am following you now! Have a blessed day.

    Little Foot from the Big Foot Tribe

  5. These are great pictures! Does your son take Gymnastics? How cool! Thanks for stopping by and have a great homeschooling week!

  6. Jacqueline,
    Yes, He is on team. I have some posts on him under sports. Thanks for stopping by.

  7. Neat pictures! Found you through a blog hop. I am a new follower. Hope you can come visit me soon. :)
