Monday, January 10, 2011

Tyndale House Publishers Inc.-Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room

Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room
Author: Nancy Guthrie
ISBN: 978-1-4143-3909-2
Daily Family Devotions for Advent

Thank you to Tyndale House Publishers Inc. for letting us review Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room.

Let every Heart Prepare Him Room prepares our hearts day by day for the advent season and throughout the year. I don't think we should celebrate Christmas once a year, it should be everyday!!
Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room has short devotions for each day leading up Christ's birth and after his birth leading up to the new year.
Each page has a
short devotion
prayer ( which is geared towards the devotion)
Discussion Starters ( ways to engage your family in what you read in the devotion)
"What does it mean to make a promise?"
And Extra Scriptures that relate to what you have just read.

Some of the pages have songs with the words that you and your family can sing them together, this a special time for you and family and God.
Some of the songs are:
" Come, All Ye Faithful"
" Come, O Come Emmanuel"
"Silent Night"
And Many More!!!

There is a comment/questions section to write what you and your family have discussed during your time together.

This book helps you draw closer to God during a very special season of our Christ's birth. The world is stealing our attention away from what Christmas is all about.  Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room allows you to reflect on the season. This book brings  attention to the reason for the season.  When you take the time to prepare your heart for God and His son you will never be disappointed. You will be able to see him through this book and the truth of His Word!!!

Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room
Everyday,Every Moment, Every Hour, Now,Forever and Always!!!!!!

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