Thursday, January 20, 2011

Mystery of History

Learn to Ten Commandments in 5 minutes, Great Video

We have been learning about:

Moses and The Exodus
The Ark of the Covenant and The Tabernacle
Joshua,Jericho, and Rahab

Moses and the Burning Bush
with Bible verse.

Ducky blowing her Trumpet

D Man blowing his Trumpet

D Man and Ducky with there Trumpet's

The Ark of the Covenant
and the Ten Commandments is inside the box.

We marched around out courtyard 7 times and blew our Trumpets and shouted and our city came tumbling down.

D Man and Ducky seized the city and now they are inside the city.


  1. This is great! We are doing Mystery of History also. We just began this semester, though, so you are ahead of us. I will have to bookmark this for when we are on these lessons!
    Come over and visit our co-op blog! We study at our own homes and then get together for the fun activities! We are only on week 3.

  2. Great post! Love how you used the trumpets! Kerri

  3. I love what you did! We're doing Mystery of History too and are a little further ahead than you.
