Sunday, October 17, 2010

Saturday and Sunday Fun

D Man and Ducky with there night masks.
They begged me for these and every night they wear them.

My husband with his lizard earring.
 D Man wanted to run today for 40 minutes and here he is doing it. Last week he did 30 minutes.
I couldn't resist this picture, she is so beautiful!!!
 Daddy and Ducky:)
Daddy and Ducky being silly!!
Daddy riding D Man's scooter.

D Man and Ducky holding a green anole that D Man caught.
Green Anole

D Man and Ducky LOVE Nature!!
They were outside ALL day.

Green Anole


  1. WOW!!! What a fun family! They totally made me smile! I had one of those little lizards when I was a kid because that was the only pet my mom would let me have :) I was always a tad scared of it but I always pretended I wasn't & held the thing everyday :) Nice to meet your family!

  2. I am following over from the blog hop. I hope you can stop by my blog and check it out. Cute blog and can't wait to read more.
    God Bless,

  3. New follower on this gorgeous Monday morning of blog surfing. I'm drawn to fellow home schoom moms. I have 17-years of homeschooling under my belt with two graduated and our third in grade 11. The years have really zipped by. Anywho, I enjoyed the fun and silly photos you've shared with your audience. Happy home-schooling and blogging!

  4. Hi,
    Thank you all for stoppping by.

    Libbie, They make me smile to. They are so much fun.

    I love to meet veternan schoolers, I feel like you have alot of insight into what I'm going through and what I will be going through. Our two nieces graduated and there one left too. Great job for getting this far.


  5. Hi! I just found you via the blog hop at Home Grown Families! I'm your newest follower! So glad I found your blog and I look forward to following your adventures.

  6. Hi,
    I am a new follower from the blog hop. I am also a homeschooling mom.


  7. Love the lizard earring! Am your newest followr from the blog hop- please come by and follow me back.
