Thursday, August 19, 2010

Resouce Center Field Trip

We had a tour at local Resource Center, you can go there and get recycled things for FREE. Sometimes it foam,material,books,sewing stuff and much more.
D Man and Ducky created an airplane from some foam and sponges. Ever since then D Man and Ducky have been creating with recycled material.


  1. That's a great idea! I try to use recycled materials when I can too. I'm here from the Friday Blog Hop.

  2. It was a great field trip. Have a great weekend:)

  3. New follower from the Friday blog hop. Hope you can stop by sometime:

  4. Hi! New follower from Friday Blog Hop. I would love is you would follow back:

    That sounds like a wonderful field trip, I also love free/recycled stuff that I can put to good use.

  5. Love the plane craft.At one point I tried saving a bunch of used boxes, cardboard, bottles, etc. However, I ended up getting rid of a lot because I had no room to store it. Our craft this week did use toilet paper rolls. Wish we had a resource center around here. Do they limit how often/how much?

  6. Hello from Friday blog Hop. Nice to meet you. You have a lovely blog.

  7. Karen,
    You have to pay $1 to go in the back and you can get as much as you want, they weigh it before you leave. I don't go that often but when I go I find alot of great stuFf.

    Thank you for stopping by my blog. It's nice to meet you to.

