Monday, August 30, 2010

Adam and Eve

 This week we studied in Mystery of History about Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve were made from the dust of the earth which is a mystery to us. But as you can see we exist and we know that only God could have created us.We learned that they are were created for the Garden of Eden and live a fruitful live and they chose to disobey the Lord. They were sent from the Garden and they couldn't return, But I love that God was meriful through it all.

"We are to obey all the way, right away and with a happy heart"
Ginger Plowman


  1. Aww what a cute little craft!

    Just found your blog through Thursday's Friends and Giveaways. Have a great evening!

  2. Oh, I miss homeschooling. My girls are 25 and 28 this year. Stopping in to follow from Friday Blog Hop.
    Simply CVS

  3. Hi Cheryl.
    Thank you for stopping by. I'm sure you miss homeschooling but it is also a blessing that you have sent them off too. I'm sure you could give me so tips:)
    Have a blessed weekend.
