Wednesday, July 28, 2010

New Table

D Man and Ducky sitting at our new table we got for free at our local school department, we were so excited to get this table. We use it for crafts, school and we will sometimes even eat at it.


  1. Very Nice!! We have to wait until October for the auction to get one here, but got a ton of books!

  2. Following you from the blog hop!

  3. Hi! I'm your newest follower from the Friday Blog Hop!!! :) Nice to meet you! I'm a homeschool mom too.

    Hope you'll come visit me soon and follow back.
    Lisa xoxo
    Raising Future Leaders

  4. What a blessing. I am following from the Friday Blog Hop.
    We are homeschooling too.

  5. following you back, because I want to :)

    that is awesome about the free table, I need to ask the school we now live by for things like that. I'd love to get my hands on some old lockers.

    Have a great rest of your week.

    Christy, Home♥
