Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Bible Study for kids-Service


Bottom Line: What in the world are you doing to put others first?

Memory Verse: Ephesians 6:7: "Serve wholeheartedly as if you were serving the Lord,not men"

Service is lending a hand to help someone else.

God Time:

Day 1
Read Mark 9:35
Jesus gave up his life for us, we need to do the same for others.
Thank God for caring and protecting you.

Day 2
Read 1 Corinthians 10:24
When someone asks for help this is your chance to put them first before yourself.
Pray God will help you do good for others.

Day 3
Read Philippians 2:3
Listen to how God wants you to think of others.

Day 4
Read Galatians 6:9
God never gets weary of taking care of you.

Have a blessed week


  1. Great plan! Good for us all to remember! Blessings!

  2. I'm loving your Bible studies. I used part of the one you did on service with my girls last week. It worked so well!
    Thank you for sharing.

  3. Hello, I just found you while blog hopping tonight. (I have a little bit of peace at the moment!)
    I love your memory verse - I always did that with my kids.
    I love your blog too & I am always looking for more Christian mom bloggers :)

    Have a great weekend,

  4. Hello! I am following from the Home Grown Families Friday Blog Hop. I love your blog! Please feel free to follow me back at any of my blogs. :0)




  5. Hi! I'm your newest follower from the Friday Follows! Cool blog! I hope to see you at Dropped Stitches.

    xo Erin
