Friday, May 21, 2010

New Butterfly and New Caterpillar

A Gulf Fritillary landed on one of our new plants, we wanted to attract new butterflies and they came, how cool is that. A New Caterpillar, we think it is a Tiger Swallowtail Caterpillar. Check out the photo on this website and let me know what you think. If you have seen this type of caterpillar, please let us know what kind it is. Thank you.

Our milkweed is all gone, they have eaten it all again. This time we had 24 caterpillars, I planted 4 new milkweeds this season. We now have to wait for the others to grow back.


  1. I'm following from Friendly Friday, and I love your blog! Please follow me:

    PS I'm homeschooled, too!

  2. I'm your newest follower from Friendly Friday. It's so nice to find another homeschooler out here in the blog-O-shpere.
    Blessings to you,

  3. Hi, I came here via Friendly Friday. I'm your newest Google Friend. Hope you can get the chance to stop by and see me at my blog sometime soon :)
