Friday, May 14, 2010

Nature Study

Charlotte Mason
" If we give our children regular opportunities to get in touch with God's creation, a habit is formed which will be a source of delight throughtout their lives."

Haley touching a leaf. It's so important to touch and smell when on a nature study. Let your children lead you when you go on nature walk.

A bee pollinating a Lavender plant. This was nice to see because we just studied how bees pollinate.

A Water lily, this must be there season because we just saw this another nature center.

These are some flowers that butterflies are attracted too. Aren't they beautiful.

Here is caterpillar that we came across, I'm not sure what kind of butterfly it will be.

This week we studied about wind pollination, this plant below is a wind pollinator.

Haley holding her backpack on our nature walk.
Here are some things for your bag( Bronculars,drawing pad(small),magnifier,field guide to look animals,plants etc, up,colored pencils or markers,ziploc bags to carry samples of fallen leaves or flowers, never pick because they are there for other animals and to stay alive.)

Many species of rose will not self-pollinate.

It's obvious we love nature and how God provied us with so much to look at.


  1. I am now following. Thank you for all the neat ideas for getting our children in touch with God's beautiful creation :) Have a wonderful weekend

  2. I love your blog!

    I have two awards for you on my blog
