Friday, May 21, 2010

Horse Tour-5-21-10

Dennis feeding T-Rex, this was his favorite horse.

This is Dennis' drawing. Dennis and Haley drew pictures on the front of there thank you cards for the horse tour. We use Draw Write Now.

This is Haley's drawing.

Haley petting the horse, when petting a horse always pet from the side as they can't see from the front.

Dennis petting the horse.

Our tour guide lady riding one there horses, she is doing a canter.

After they ride the horses they always wash them off to keep them cool. They give them a bath once a week.

A really nice picture of one of the horses.

Dennis feeding the horse a carrot. Horses are herbivores. This was Dennis' favorite part.

Haley feeding the horse, she was a little afriad and didn't feed after this. That's ok. She had fun seeing her friends.

1 comment:

  1. My hope is DEFINITELY in the LORD! Amen! Your children look like they had an amazing time with the horses. My girls have always loved horses but we've never had much opportunity to spend time with them. They rode some when we went to the mountains a couple of years ago. That was fun!

    I'm stopping by from Friendly Friday, albeit a tad bit late. :0) I wanted to say hello and share some comment lo♥e.

    I love your blog already so I just became your newest 'Follower'! I look forward to visiting you again really soon. :0)

    I would love for you to take a minute to check out my blog and follow me, too, if you like what you see.

    I hope you and your family have a wonderfully blessed Sunday.

    Teresa <><

    ♥ Too Many Heartbeats ♥
