Thursday, May 20, 2010


I recently was given two awards by
Thank you so much.
I received The Versatile Blogger Award and The One Lovely Blog Award from
The Rules for The Versatile Blogger Award are:
A. Thank the person who gave you this award
Thank you for this award, I'm delighted to receive it from
B. Share 7 things about yourself.

I love the Lord.
I love the color purple.
I have a huge heart for others.
I have worked in children's ministry and voluteered in women's ministry.
I love to shop
I have my own homeschool group.
I love to drink tea.


  1. new follower from FF, I love your blog. I homeschool my 4 also. Such a blessing! I hope you follow back.

  2. Congrats on your award! I love the name of your blog, too, by the way. SO true.

    I'm Christi from The Frugal Novice - thanks so much for participating in the first Friendly Friday! I'm your newest (and 100th, woohoo!) follower!

  3. Following from Friendly Friday!! :)

    Yay another Christian homeschooling mom!! I will be homeschooling my little one (pre-k) soon too and I can't wait to read all your posts! I'm glad I found you :)

    Please follow me at

  4. New follower from FF....I tried homeschooling once...neither I nor my kiddos were suited to it... I think those who have the patience for it are awesome.. Have a great weekend...Congrats on your awards..

  5. Thank you all for stopping by, Congrats to Christi for being my 100th follower,yay!!!!!
    Christi, I tried to follow you back but I couldn't pull up your blog. Let me know what it is and I will follow you back.
    Thanks again. Have a blessed weekend.

  6. Robyn,
    I wouldn't say I patience but I'm in prayer a lot about our home schooling. Maybe one day you will be lead back to it.
    Have a blessed weekend.

  7. Following you from Friendly Friday :-)

    You can find me here~

