Thursday, April 1, 2010

stART~Benjamin's Box

This book goes with the Resurrection Eggs. Its told from a boy's prospective and he gathers the treasures that represent Jesus' Resurrection.

Matthew 18:2-5
"Jesus said, I tell you the truth,unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore,whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me."


  1. What a simple and beautiful cross project. This is the second mention of this story I read today. We own a set of Resurrection eggs but haven't read this particular book.

  2. Great project! Next year I am definately doing resurrection eggs, will add this book to our list.

  3. Hi! I found your blog through Friday Follow. I'm a Christian homeschool mom, too. Have a blessed Easter weekend.

  4. I actually got a suggestion to get that book recently from someone. I'll have to see if I can find it later today.

  5. Another new follower! Feel free to come check out my blog as well!
    Happy Friday Follow! Hope to Blog with you again soon!

  6. Newest follower from FF! Hope to see you stop in over @ A Penny Saved to check us out as well. Have an awesome Easter holiday weekend!


  7. Those crosses are nice. I would like to own a set of Resurrection eggs. That book looks very interesting to read with children. HAVE A NICE HAPPY EASTER!!!

    Visit my blog at

  8. I have never seen this book- now I MUST HAVE IT! (Don't Resurrection Eggs just ROCK?)
