Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Homeschool Hop #6

Theme For The Week: 10 Random Questions
Time for a bit of fun this week. Just copy the 10 questions below and enter your answers after each one of them for this week's blog hop.

I can't wait to see all of your answers.

1. What time is it right now?


2. What are you wearing?

Shorts and Long Sleeve Shirt

3. What is your mood?

Very Tired

4. What is one thing your children learned today?

Who St. Patrick Was

5. What did you (or are having) for dinner?

Corned Beef and Cabbage

6. What's one book you are currently reading?

Homeschooling with a Meek and Quiet Spirit

7. What behaviour (in people) is the most common but also the rudest?

Saying one thing and doing another

8. What can you see out of your nearest window right now?


9. What are you currently praying for?

Our homeschool group

10. What is your favourite hot beverage?

Hot Chocolate

MckLinky Blog Hop


  1. Hi Amy! I found you through the Home School Blog Hop (I'm kind of slow this week:) I'm following--come by and visit at
    Faith's Firm Foundation

  2. Hi! I am sloowly following this week. Just wanted to stop by and say hello. Were having corned beef and cabbage tonight!
    God Bless
