Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Flat Stanley @ Epcot-1-10-10

Flat Stanley @ Epcot in front of te American Adventure Flat Stanley playing the drum

Flat Stanley flying high at Epcot in the front of the American Adventure
Dennis,Haley and Flat Stanley in Japan

Flat Stanley in front of the Morocco @ Epcot

Flat Stanley in the front entrance of Epcot

Flat Stanley entering Disney grounds:)


  1. Flat Stanley on the ball at Epcot that had to be Big Dennis' idea! :) I love it! I may do Flat Stanley too - I like the idea! :) I love your creativity & your encouragement. You have been a great homeschool mentor & a friend. :) Praise God for our friendship! :)

  2. I love it! How cute! I am ordering the book now!
