Friday, June 27, 2008

Palm Beach Zoo

Look how big Dennis has gotten, this day we were at the zoo doing a co-op on Alligators. We made a mini lapbook on alligators, and talked about them ,and there body parts, how they breath ,and much more.I'm sure you get the point.

Deer chewing on the wire of the fence. I just realized we didn't get a picture of the alligators,probably because we got alot at the Alligator Farm in St. Augustine last month.

Haley 6/8/08-Butterfly caughting with Daddy

Haley making silly faces at Daddy. He takes ALOT of pictures!

May Gymnastics Meet

Dennis receiving his award, and trophy. His total score was 52.9, Dennis you have amazing strength and we are very proud of you.Love you lotsxox.
This is Dennis' part of his floor routine, this is called Candlestick. Awesome job!

Dennis is hanging upside down,9 months ago he would not do this. We are so proud of you Dennis!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Daniel Lapbook

Dennis doing copywork for the Daniel Lapbook.What a great boy!
Dennis gluing the name tags for Belshazzar,Darius, and Nebuchadnezzar!

Haley enjoyed painting the lions for the Daniel Lapbook. Isn't she so cute:)
This lapbook pictures, and ideas I got from